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Opiny Store Terms and conditions of use and services

Welcome to expressed under are terms and conditions applicable to access the use of website, applications softwares, and other platform owned, operated and hosted at opinystore.com.

These terms is legally binding between opinystore and users.

By access or use of website or Opinystore platforms you agree and accept to be bound by terms and conditions of this document as well as the Privacy Policy

Don't access or use the Services or the website,if you are not of legal age to form a binding contract with Opinystore, you are under the age of 16, or you are not permitted to receive our Services under the laws of your jurisdiction.

By accessing the website, you accept to be subject to this Terms and conditions.

You agree that these Terms and conditions is legally binding between you and Opinystore concerning your use of the Website.

In these terms, the word "User",“you” or “your”, shall mean the you as individual, entity or business that you represent. and the word “Opinystore”, “we”, “our” or “ us”, shall mean the OpinyStore website and platforms that you contract with as stated in these terms.

"Platform" means the Opinystore Marketplace website hosted at: opinystore.com, and it's related service, application or softwares.

"Website" means the Opinystore marketplace website hosted at: opinystore.com, and it's related service, application or softwares.

"service(s)" means Opinystore marketplace services, and any other services that we provide now or in the future, as may be described in any quote, order form, invoice or other commercial documents or communications that we provide, or on our platform.

"Account" means the account associated with your email address.

"Member" means registered user of Opinystore, s/he has user account on opinystore.com, application or opinystore platform.

"Buyer" means a User that purchases products from Sellers through the Website.

"Seller" means a User that list products for selling through the Website.

Order and payments dispute Resolution means the process to be followed by Buyers and Sellers if Dispute arises after buyer places Purchase order

"Order" means an intention to engage in a commercial transaction for specific product.

We reserve the right to change this Terms and conditions at any given time, of which updates will be posted on the website. As a member you accept to be covered at all times by the current Terms and conditions.

You agree that the continued use of the Website after any posted updated Terms and conditions is an acceptance of the updated Terms and conditions.

Mode of business between seller and Buyer.

Opiny store provide electronic web based account for exchange information between seller and buyer, Users buy and sell products. Buyers and Sellers must register for an Account in order to buy or sell products. Also, the platform provide place to members to accept, conclude manage and fulfill orders for provision of service online, we enables Users to work together online to complete and pay for products and to use the services that we provide. we are not party of agreement between buyer and seller we only link the parties.

Users are hereby made aware that; there may be risk of dealing with people acting under false pretense, we encourage you use various means as well as common sense to evaluate who you are dealing with.

The same User account may be used to buy or sell. A User may be both a Buyer and a Seller under this Terms and conditions.


All user accounts are associated with individuals. Login credentials should not be shared by users with others. The individual associated with the account will be held responsible for all actions taken by the account, without limitation. Users may provide a business name or a company name, which is associated with the User's Account. Users agree that where a business name or company name is associated with their Account, this Terms and conditions is a contract with the User as an individual (not the business or company) you remain responsible for all activity undertaken in your account.

We may, at our absolute discretion, refuse to register any person or entity as a User.

You cannot transfer or assign any rights or obligations you have under this Terms and conditions without prior written consent to opinystore.

Upon the Buyer order or award buying offer, request or order to the Seller, and the Seller's acceptance on the Website, or the purchase of an item by a Buyer from the Seller, the Buyer and Seller will be deemed to have entered into a User Contract under which the Buyer agrees to purchase, and the Seller agrees to sell products as agreed between buyer and seller.

when using our website and enter into user agreement you must comply with this Terms and conditions and another laws of your jurisdiction or international laws, statutes, ordinances and regulations relevant to you as a Buyer or Seller, or in any other uses you make of the Website.

We have no responsibility for enforcing any rights under a User Contract. If another user breach their obligation to you, you are liable to enforce this Terms and conditions or any other laws in your jurisdiction.

Depending on their jurisdiction, Sellers and Buyers may have rights under statutory warranties that cannot lawfully be excluded. Nothing in this Terms and conditions is intended to override a right that by applicable law may not be excluded. Nothing in this Terms and conditions is intended to violate any laws relating to unfair contracts. To the extent that any component of this Terms and conditions is in conflict with inalienable rights under local laws, all parties intend for this terms to be read down only insofar as to be in compliance with such local laws and no further.

Each User acknowledges and agrees that the relationship between Buyers and Sellers is that of an independent contractor. Nothing in this User terms creates a partnership, joint venture, agency or employment relationship between Users. Nothing in this Terms and conditions shall in any way be construed as forming a joint venture, partnership or any business relationship between Opinystore and any User.

Registration and membership

Opinystore grants you the non-exclusive,none_transfable, revocable, limited right to accesss and use our website. In order to gain full access and use of the website, you must create an account and register as a user.

In order to become a member, you need a password. You choose your own password which must be used with your email address when logging onto the Website.
• The password is personal and you must not transfer it or in other ways make it available to others. It is your responsibility to ensure that the password does not fall into the hands of any other preson than you. If you become aware that the password is or may have been compromised or is used in violation of the Terms and conditions, you are obligated to change it as soon as posible. If your email is used in violation of the Terms and conditions or is comromised also change your email or ask ask us to provide you method of changing email at opinystore if you can't change at your own.

• You will have to prove you are the owner of the that email before changing it.

During the registration process, you must enter First name, Last Name, gender, date of birth, email, phone number, address,city or town or district, state or province or region, country and password.
Names(first and last) will be shown on the website whenever you list products, message, order, request quotation, list auction, list exhibition, list categories, make offer, write review, bid and comment. For premium accounts business name will be shown in place of your name.
Other users and visitors if the visit your profile they will be able to view names,description and country you reside and public listings you posted.

Names must not be offensive or in other ways insulting, personal and business names to which you do not own the rights. You warrant that your names does not infringe on any rights (including any intellectual property rights) and/or pertaining to the Terms and conditions.

You are agree that some information during registration to identify our members will automatically be generated by opinystore including but not limited to userid.

You may change your names anytime only make sure they don't violate third party rights and this Terms and conditions,, and you are able to verify they are your names when required to do so .

If you want to change your names, go to settings at your profile.


You agree that at any time you may be required by Opinystore to verify informations you provided at opinystore, you may be asked for verification documents, or to take ID video selfie analysis or both.

You authorise us, directly or through third parties, to make any inquiries we consider necessary to validate your identity. You must, at our request:
• provide further information to us, that will allow us to identify you;
• Take steps to confirm ownership of your email address or financial instruments;
• verify your information against third party databases or through other sources.

You must also, at our request, provide copies of identification documents (such as your national identity, passport(traveling document) or driving licence).

We may also ask you to take part in ID video selfie analysis.

We reserve the right to request interview with you to validate this information, your identity and your background.

We are entitled at any time, without notice and without prejudice, to delete, suspend or change your profile/account in the event of your violation or suspected violation of these Terms and conditions or applicable law. When deleting your profile/account, you will no longer have access to services on the website which require you to be a registered member or required to login as a member. If we delete your account, we reserve the right to delete the content you have made on the website.

Furthermore, we reserve the right, at any time and without notice or explanation, to delete your profile and content. In this case, our disclaimer applies without limitations.

While using the Website, you will not attempt to or otherwise do any of the following:
• infringe any laws, third party rights or this Terms and conditions.
• fail to deliver payment for products delivered to you.
• fail to deliver products purchased from you.
• manipulate our fee structure, the billing process, or fees owed to opinystore.
• post false, inaccurate, misleading, deceptive, defamatory or offensive content (including misleading personal information).
• take any action that may undermine the review, feedback and rating systems.
• distribute or post spam or pyramid schemes.
• distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm the Website, or the interests or property of our users including their privacy rights, or is unlawful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, invasive of privacy, vulgar, obscene, profane or which may harass or cause distress or inconvenience to, or incite hatred of, any person;
• download and from our website for display to other websites without our express written permission, or otherwise incorporate any part of the Website into any other website without our prior written authorisation;
• You will not attempt to modify or edit opinystore website,platforms or app in any way.

You are not permitted to gain access or attempt to gain access to the parts of the website requiring you to be member of the website, or requires you to pay certain fee to access such service, or use/ access part of the website which access is denied to you.
Users requires to take caution for use of other trademark and service mark without violating patent rights from other business. breach of these term the member will be accountable for his own risks

free account members will have only one user who will also be admin of his/her page only premium account member may have more than one user and more than one admin but owner will be liable and responsible for all activities done by his/her account. You should make sure to understand the permissions you’re granting to your profile admins. Each admin that you add to your account will automatically considered by Opinystore has accept these terms in order to use our services.

Content and listing from members

You hereby grant us the worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free right and license to publish, display, reproduce, modify, create derivative works of and commercially exploit any material, information, notifications, listings, posts, contents, comments, reviews, ratings articles or other types of communication which you create on the website as a member.

members are liable for the content and listings they publish on the website.

members warrant that all Contents posted on the site is correct and true or genuinely held.

Contents and listing must relate to a company or organization from which the member has purchased or can otherwise document using the company's or organization's products or services.

Users of platform required to post or display goods or products which is lawful and without any intention of fraud.

members must not, and must not allow any third party to, publish on the website contents which: •Is unlawful, deceptive, misleading, fraudulent, threatening, abusive, harassing, libelous, defamatory, tortious, obscene, pornographic or profane, has sexist, political or racial character, violates other people's rights, including any intellectual property rights, rights of privacy and/or rights of publicity. •Is offensive or in any way breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation. •Violates these Terms and conditions, reveals any personal information about another individual without consert of that individual, including another person's name, address, phone number, email address, credit card information or any other information that could be used to track, contact or impersonate that person. •Has a disloyal or unlawful purpose and/or content, or is technically harmful example computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malicious software, harmful data or conduct.

If Opinystore receives notice or otherwise becomes aware that content violates current legislation and/this Terms and conditions, we may delete the content, listing or item without any notice, and we - dependent on the character of the violation - may inform the violated party and/or the authorities of the violation. Our right to delete will not be conditioned on an explanation, although we will strive to inform the member about the deletion and the reason hereof.

The member hereby grants us the right to initiate and take any legal actions which we deem necessary in case of infringement of the member's contents.

The member must guarantee to indemnify us, our officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint venturers and employees for any claims which may be made against us as a consequence of the member violation of the Terms and conditions or current legislation.

The member must indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any claim or loss due to third party claims against us resulting from the contents of the member, or against any claim or demand, including legal fees and costs, made against us by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this Agreement, or your infringement of any law in the course of using the website.

In case of any dispute with any part to transaction such user agree release and indemnify Opinystore from all claims demand or actions or proceedings arising from such dispute or transactions.

Pricing, Payments and fees


When you use you account to purchase, opinystore.com will not charge you. but there are transaction fees/charges which are charged by payment agent gateway, bank, and other payment merchants whom are third party to opinystore. You agree to pay those fee/charges
Any additional cost ontop of seller's price is a charge/fee from payment agent/gateway and not opinystore's charge.

When paying for your purchase, orders, offers or quotation requests You will be required to use payment methods provided by opinystore in the platform or otherwise as directed by our team.

Remember you are paying seller at your own risk. opinystore will not be liable or responsible for any damage, scam or fraud after you made payment. when you purchase, order or bid in sell auctions you are required to be satisfied with the condition/agreements between you and seller before making payments.

Opinystore may take legal actions against you at anytime if it proves you want/intend to cheat,scam or fraud a seller.

You agree seller has the right to cancel order anytime if cannot fullfill or satisfy conditions or aggreement with the buyer or if buyer cannot fullfill the condition.


In order to receive payments and orders you must add bank account at your profile. Without bank account listed at opinystore, you will not be able to receive orders and payments.

You agree buyer has right to make payments when you satisfy condition/agreement of the sale between you and buyer.

You agree buyer can ask you or opinystore for order cancellation if you do not satisfy condition/agreement.


We charge fee on products you will successfull selling at Opinystore. charges are found at https://opinystore.com/pricing or will be displayed to you when listing at Opinystore or When you use a service that has a fee.

other forms of fees such as advertising, membership, offer to sell will be displayed to you at the website or during listing of your products/offers or subscription of/or use of a service that has a fee.


You agree that when selling, if you cancel order or request opinystore to cancel order after buyer make payment of such order, you will refund the buyer.
You agree that buyer has the right to request refund of orders you have canceled after buyer makes payment of his/her order.

If we agree to the refund, the funds will be received by the User via the same payment method(s) that the User used to make the original payment.

We may refund funds to Users irrespective of whether a User has requested funds be refunded if:
• we are required by law or consider that we are required by law to do so;
• We determine that refunding funds to the User will avoid any dispute or an increase in our costs;
• we find out that the original payment made by the User is fraudulent;
• we find out that the original offer made by seller is fraudulent;

You can request a refund by emailing us at finance@opinystore.com, you expressly agree to use the Order and payments dispute Resolution process in this Terms and conditions, expressly agree to be bound by its ruling and expressly agree not to initiate any chargeback request with your card issuer.

If you initiate any chargeback request, you agree we will share any information in relation to you being binding by this terms and conditions, in order to defeat any such chargeback request.

If you have already initiated a chargeback request with your credit card issuer, you must not request must not request refund from us for double refund purpose.

Payment services

Buyer make payment when:

• Seller has accepted the order from the buyer.

Make payment

If buyer click make payment at their active order section.

General payments terms

In anyhow you will not influence, encourage, initiate, persuade or bribe the buyer(if you are a seller) or a seller(if you are the buyer) to to bypass opinystore payment/ordering system in any way including but not limited to intention to avoid fee/charges payable to opinystore without written consert from us.

Fees or charges payable Opinystore will be none-refundable.

As Registed user when pricing products, auctions, request quotation and offers make sure you are not violating laws of your jurisdiction.

Advertising and other forms of promiting pricing may vary by region. The price and any other terms that are specific to your advertising are set out in the commercial materials that you accept when you agree to purchase that advertisement.

Our prices are stated exclusive of taxes. You’re responsible for paying all other external fees and taxes associated with your use of our services wherever levied, or may be applicable depending on the jurisdiction of the services provided.

Depending on your residency or location, you may be subject to certain other taxes, on certain fees that we charge. These taxes will be added to fees billed to you, if applicable.

You acknowledge that you must comply with your obligations under income tax provisions in your jurisdiction.

Payment gateway/agent

You agree that we may in our sole discretion, from time to time, appoint our related bodies corporate, affiliates, or any other third party to act as our agent to accept or make payments (including merchant facilities) from or to Users on our behalf.

Your Bank account information listed at opinystore will be shared with payment agent/gateway authoritized by opinystore to proccess your payments at Opinystore. These bank account information will be private to your profile and not shared to the public.

Such a third party will have the same rights, powers and privileges that we have under this Terms and conditions and will be entitled to exercise or enforce their rights, powers and privileges as our agent or in their own name. In no event shall we be liable to any User for any loss, damage or liability resulting from the Payment Administration Agent's negligence and/or acts beyond the authority given by Opinystore.
There is no connection between terms, conditions, policies, products and services offered by us and services offered by payment gateway agent. We only provide a service on this Website which facilitates your orders/payments of product, or intent to purchase. Therefore payment methods and services may change from time to time. When there are changes in payment method or processing we will make it available in the website, or at the payment processsing page.

Order and payments dispute Resolution

We do not offer legal services. You will not rely on us for any such legal actions concerning your funds. You will seek legal actions from those lincensed to offer legal services. Opinystore will act solely on its own discretion to solve/rule on Order and payments dispute.

In the event of a dispute between a Buyer and a Seller regarding a refund or make Payments, either Buyer or Seller may decide to contact us consern that dispute.

You(Buyer) should on your own satisfy yourself of the seller and products seller has listed on Opinystore and make sure condition/agreement with the seller is satisfied before paying such orders. Opinystore will not be liable or responsible of fraud, scam or any other damage after You(buyer) make payment of your order. as stated earlier in this Terms and conditions opinystore is not a party in user contract.

Incase of fraud after payment is made buyer will need to report at appropriate law enforcers of your jurisdiction.

You(Seller) should on your own satisfy yourself of the buyer and his/ her ability to pay for products s/he ordered from you and make sure condition/agreement with the buyer is satisfied before delivering products to the buyer. Opinystore will not be liable or responsible of fraud, scam or any other damage after You(seller) delivered products to such buyer. as stated earlier in this Terms and conditions opinystore is not a party in user contract.

You(seller) may contact opinystore through finance@opinystore.com for the payment for the products you deliver to the buyer and the buyer has refused to pay. And since you have already deliverd the products you agree that there is no guarantee of being able to receive your payment.

You(Buyer) may contact opinystore through finance@opinystore.com for the refund of the orders canceled by the seller.

Seller should hand over/deliver products purchased when they are satisfied and you are sure of the buyer you are dealing with. Opinystore will not be liable or responsible of fraud, scam or any other damage after seller hand over/deliver products to the buyer.

Seller may use third party to act on his behalf on handing/delivering products in case of exporting or transporting to distant buyers, for avoidance of fraud.

Incase of fraud seller has to report to relevant law enforcers of your jurisdiction.

Buyer also Incase of fraud has to report to relevant law enforcers of your jurisdiction.

Opinystore may in our own discretion decide to suspend/delete/ban user account which opinystore has proves or thinks in our own discretion that it has or is trying to fraud other user/party.

Opinystore will not be responsible or liable against any damages or liability you may suffer as a result of using payment processing services provided by us.


You agree that in the event that a dispute arises between you and another User in relation to an payment, order, listing or item sold you will first attempt to resolve any differences that you have, with the other user before take next steps.

If you continue to have problems in relation to a dispute with another user contact us through support@opinystore.com. or contact page of opinystore website.

You agree we do not offer legal services. In case we fail to solve your dispute You will seek legal actions from those lincensed to offer legal services in your jurisdiction.


We are not a financial services provider. so don't use Opinystore for currency convertion or currency exchange activities or any other banking activities other than payments of services provided on opinystore.


We may display any of your public content, profile or listing as part of the opinystore Services and/or other marketing materials relating to the Website, except where you have requested that we do not do this and we have agreed to such a request.


Unless otherwise agreed with us, you must not advertise an external website, link, product or service on the Website which are not related to opinystore services. Any website address posted on the Website, including in reviews, items, products, categories, auction or quatation request, bid, comment, reply, description, title message must relate to content,listing, user or service being performed on the Website.

You agree that we are free to display advertisements or promotions anywhere we want on opinystore website and at any time.

You agree that we shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any kind incurred by you as a result of the presence of such advertisements or promotions or any subsequent dealings with third parties.

You agree that content of such advertisements or promotions may be protected by and laws. Unless you are authorised by us or third party right holders, you agree not to edit, copy, modify, sell, distribute,or any other uses apart from those directed by such advertisements or promotions.


Communication with other users on the Website must be conducted through communication channels provided on the Website on a website message page, or public listings.

You must not post your email address, phone number or any other contact information on the Website, except in the fields of the signup form, at our request or as otherwise permitted by us on the Website.

You agree not to influence, encourage or persuade other user(s) to communicate outside opinystore. Unless you have a prior relationship with a User, you must only communicate with Users via the Website. You must not, and must not attempt to, communicate with other Users through any other means.Any terms agreed to between any Users must be confirmed in writing using the chat or direct message functionality of the website.

We may read all materials posted on the Website and download or access, related to your use of the Website for the purpose of investigating fraud, regulatory compliance, risk management and other related purposes.

Right to Refuse Service

User are free to refuse service from you do not spam or force your service to other user.

Opinystore may block, close, suspend or limit your access to your Account without reason or liability. Without limiting the foregoing, we may close, disabling or terminate your membership, delete your account or refusing to process a payment, suspend or limit your access to your Account due to:

• Laws of your country restrict our relationship with you
• If we determine that you have breached, or are acting in breach of this Terms and conditions including but not limited to you are not eligible to be a member on opinystore according to this Terms and conditions, or potential breach of a law or regulation associated with you, your business, your membership, or a payment in this Terms and conditions or laws of your jurisdiction.
• If we determine that you you are influencing buyer or seller to bypass Opinystore or our payment system or attempt to avoid fees/charges.
• If we determine that you have infringed legal rights (resulting in actual or potential claims), including infringing Intellectual Property Rights;
• If we reasonably believe there is a legal or regulatory issue
• If we determine that you have engaged, or are engaging, in fraudulent, or illegal activities;
• You do not complete account verification when requested within date specified to you during request;
• You are the subject of a United Nations, or other applicable sanctions regime. You promise that you’re not located in a sanctioned country and you are not on a sanctioned persons list.
• our banking and payment relationships otherwise preclude us from conducting business with you; to manage any risk of loss to us, a User, or any other person; or for other reasons. We may also stop users or business accounts from a country if we can’t receive payments from that country.
We may take any of these actions without notice. And If we elect to delete your account, any rights granted to you herein will immediately cease. unless you owe us payments, fees, charges, or any other contract between you and buyer you were to fullfill or charged by laws you breach when you were a member or user of opinystore such will survive deletion of user account.


A User must never disclose, personal details apart from those allowed and displayed by Opinystore do not display street number, phone number or the email address in item description other public communication on the Website. do not also agree to display in private direct messages/chats

Buyers and sellers can promote their own listings, products, offer to buy/sell listed on the Website without breach this Terms and conditions or any other applicable law in respect of such promotion.

We have no liability for loss suffered by a User or penalties imposed to the user in connection with listings, products, offers or any other contents, listed/posted on opinystore in connection to the laws of your jurisdiction.

You agree that when you purchase/order products, or awarding bid to seller have to use payment system provided by opinystore. You agree that buyers will use payment processing service provided by opinystore to purchase from you and they are free to make payments when user contract is settled.

If there is a dispute between participants on this wesite, or between users and any third party, you agree that the we are under no obligation to be involved. you release us, our officers, employees, agents, and successors from claims, demands, and damages of any kind.

You agree that you will not interfere or attempt to interfere or help third party or interfere with the proper working of the Websites, services or any activities conducted on opinystore

You will not try in anyhow to bypass or have access to restricted part(s) of the website which access are denied to you by opinystore.

After request to delete Your account. your account will be scheduled for deletion within period which will be displayed to you on the website

For account to be scheduled for deletion paying any outstanding fees or amounts owing on the Account.

We may retain some of your personal information to satisfy regulatory requirements and our own inetrnal and external obligations. Closing your account does not necessarily delete or remove all of the information in your account we have.

You must immediately notify us upon becoming aware of any unauthorised access or any other security breach to the Website.

You agree that we may use the public description of your listings, offers and the content of your account public informations on the Website for marketing and other related purposes.

If you breach this Terms and conditions you must pay us all payments, charges and fees owed to us or for the products delivered to you by us or sellers and you have not yet pay at a time of breach .

If we delete your Account for a reason other than as a result of your breach of this Terms and conditions, unless as otherwise specified in this User terms, you will be entitled to receive any payment due from us to you including due from buyers and seller to you.

In the event that we delete your Account, you will have no claim whatsoever against us in respect of any such suspension or termination of your Account.

The website and the services we offer via the website, including but not limited to software, informations and intellectual property rights text, graphics, icons, videos and photos are and shall be the sole and exclusive property of opinystore or the property of a third party (other than the member) and is protected under applicable international legislation.

If you list/post products,categories,offers,or post comment, review and rating on the website or the services offered on the platform, we are free to fully exploit such content.

We will block access to or remove material that learn't or it believes in good faith to be copyrighted material that has been illegally copied and distributed by any of our third parties include but not limited to advertisers, affiliates or members or users; and we may remove, delete account, suspend user, or discontinue service to repeat offenders.

Unauthorized copying, distribution, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, presentation or other use of the website, or part of the third party materials without consert is prohibited and is protected under applicable international legislation.

You are granting and transfering to us irrevocably the right to free use your contents submitted to opinystore to the fullest extent permitted by law,without time limitations and without territorial limitations.

use of the contents of the Website or parts for other uses other than for provision of services offered by/on opinytore are only permitted for personal non-commercial use unless otherwise opinystore,the third party owner of the content prior approve the use or is allowed under applicable mandatory law.

Our names, trademarks and other business characteristics on the Website is or will be our property or the property of a third party. and must not be used for business purposes without opinystore consent or without third part consent.


We make no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the website, content and services offered on the website.

The website may be, modified, edited, changed, interrupted, updated, suspended or discontinued without notice to you and without time limitation or territorial limitation.

we are not liable for any damage that rise from you not being able to use our website.

We are not liable to you for any damages, including but not limited to loss of funds, business, deals, sells and offers occurs to you due to our website or services provided by Opinystore.

We are not liable to you or anyone to keep the Website updated, we are also not liable to you if any information in the website is not current.

We are not liable to you or anyone else if any error occurs on the Website or services offered on the website. if that information is not current.

We make no representations or warranties with respect to any user listings, links and contents published on the website, including contents which has been edited by us. Opinystore may at all times investigate, verify and edit listing or contents on the website.

We disclaim all liability for the content of user listings. Our non-liability applies, without limitation, to any contents, including contents which has been edited by us. We are not liable for any links to third party websites in the content/user listing, including for the content of the page to which the contents links.

we do not endorse any listings, contents, product,categories, quotation requests, offers(buy and sell), recommendations, reviews, comments, etc. of specific companies, services, e-businesses, etc. on the Website provided by members. We disclaim all liability for the content of the Website. We do not endorse even third party contents on the website unless otherwise endosment stated by us through website known communications channels.

The use of our services is solely responsibility of the member. We cannot be held liable for member use of our website.

We are not referee in relation to business, product,item or listing in our website.

We only matchmaking buyer and sellers. Users agree that we are not liable for provision of goods or services, delivery or interactions between Buyer and Seller.

Transportation and delivery of product purchased will be as user contract, opinystore will no be responsible for delivery.

Opinystore is not a party to any disputes between Buyer and Seller, although we provide a Order and payments dispute Resolution process for the parties to follow in resolving issues arises only after buyer order, award bid or offer to buy or sell or makes payment.

Act of God: We do our best to control what we can. We or our affiliates shall not be responsible or liable for failure or interruption of the content delivered in platform, or delay in performance of any of our obligations under these terms arising out of any event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control.

Should any of these Terms and conditions be regarded as unlawful or without effect and therefore not to be enforced, this will not have any effect on the applicability and enforcement of the remaining part of the Terms and conditions.


You agree that unless we say otherwise in these terms, we will contact you through email,phone number or address you’ve provided to us through your user account.

You may Contact Opinystore via support@Opinystore.com or the following mailing address:

P.O Box 10115,

General provisions

This document shall be governed by law of people of Tanzania and all international laws which Tanzania is a member or ratified such laws.