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Opinystore Privacy Policy

This privacy policy will help you understand how Opinystore ("us", "we", "our") uses and protects the data you provide to us when you visit or use opinystore.com website, application,softwares and service.

We reserve the right to change this policy at any given time, of which you will be updated. we advise you to frequently visit this page to be updated of any change or updates in this policy.

"Website" means the websites operated by opinystore, hosted at: opinystore.com, and any related service or application.

'Listing' as used in this document means products, categories, Buy and sell offers you made, add or post on Opinystore.

Opinystore is an Open website to public listings, contents and your profile will be visible to anyone who visits our website. By clicking on your profile, such visitors can see all your listings, contents, name, business name, description and your country. Only depending on the status of the visitor(login/not login/blocked), listings and contents may or may not be visible.

Messages, notifications, Banking, financial and payment details will be private to your user account and won't be visible unless your personally share with public, third part. or for security reasons or disputes your jurisdiction require us to share

Informations we collect

Any information that can be identified with individual. When you create a Opinystore user account, listing, content, or otherwise use our website, we may collect and process the following informations about you:
• Your name, phone number and email address or any other contact details you may provide to us from time to time.
• Your IP address, browser settings and location.
• Address, location, password and other information you may decide to add at settings section of your profile(Your Business name, Description of your business and preferences) or required to do so by OpinyStore for verification purpose.
• Search history, searches on opinystore, your interaction with our website, including time you spend on our wesite, pages and links you’ve accessed or clicked.
• Information about listings and contents, orders, payments,bank details, reviews and ratings, and details of purchase/order made on Opinystore.
• Information about listings, banks, views, likes,comments, payments, bids and order transaction details. also how other user interact with your user account and activities at Opinystore
• Interests and Preferences information: Selected preferences associated with your account, including specific consents you have given or declined.
•Account Bank, Account Number, Business Name, Country Iso Code(To receive payments/orders OpinyStore user need to provide bank details)
• Communication information: Includes communications we receive from you such as emails, message us through opinystore mesage functionality notifications, feedback, help requests and queries via email, and other electronic communication methods, time and date.
• Telephone calls made to or from Opinystore may be recorded for quality control purposes.
The your data that we process is primarily collected directly from you when create an account with us access and use our website, such as by leaving listings and contents, comments,bids,bank,payment,order made or reviews and ratings.

How we use your informations

• To better understand your needs.
• Provide our services to you, including displaying your listings, replies,comments,orders,payments,reviews,feedback,likes and ratings.
•To provide you access to our website.
• To Identify you as a member when you log into our website and revisit our website.
• Improve our website,products and services.
• Provide customer service to you.
• Communicating with You.
• To send you promotional emails containing the information we think you will find interesting.
• To contact you to participate in some types of market research.
• To customize our website according to your online behavior and personal preferences and interests.

• various internal business purposes including but not limited to new service and product development, monitering and preventing fraud.
• Staff training and improve the quality of our services.
• Identify you and differentiate you from other members.
• link your listings and contents with your profile
• communications between opinystore and You
• social interaction and link between you and other uses on the website
• notify you of other user interactions, engages, and activities with your account.
• Notify other users of your interactions and engages with their account.
• Notify you on development of your orders, payments and subscriptions.
• notify you of opinystore services and updates.
• other users of the website may identify you.
• Verify you or your business when needed.
• For legal and as may be required by the laws of your jurisdiction
• Opinystore or other users may Invite you to listings,reply, sell/buy offers and reviews.
• Verify the authenticity of your listings, review, bids, bank details, payments,and orders.
• Invite you to listings,reply, sell/buy offers and reviews.
• Giving you the option to connect with other opinyStore users.
• display to you common members from your location or from other networks who are also users/members of OpinyStore
• Enforce our Terms, Conditions and policies.
• Verify the legitimacy of your business when needed.
• notify you concerning updates on your listings,reply,bid, review, ratings, payments and orders.
• We may use it as will be specified to you during collection.
• For customization of our website to reflect your needs.
• For provision of our service to you as will be specified from time to time.
• To exercise and comply with our legal rights and obligations.
• For the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, where necessary.
• We may use it to defeate you against any charge or claim you raised against us.
Were you gave your consert to use your personal data you are free to withdraw that consert.

Public Data

• Your listings are shared For potential buyers to see your categories, products,and offer to buy/sell and price linked to them.
• Comments are shared so that other may know your reaction on a content.
• Likes are shared to show you think listing or content is useful or relevant to you.
• we share your reviews so that others can read about your experience with a specific profile or business.
• bids are shared for fair play among bidders and owner of the offer.
When you do the above other users of our website will be able to see your name/business name, your photo and have access to visit your profile and view other information you have chosen to add on your profile.
Other information provided by you on the website, including your listings and contents, offers/bids and replies to users’ your business or other businesses, are also made available for other users of our website.

private data

• Your private messages/chats will only be shared between you and your intended recipient(receiver).
• Your orders and payments will only be available between you(as seller) and buyer or between you(as buyer) and seller.
Remember that your information will reveal your identity. We recommend you exercise care and do only what is lawfully on our website.
Documentation you send us to verify you or your business won't be shared to public

Third party access to you data

Bank data

• Your bank informations will be shared with payment agent to process your payments even buyers will not be able to see you bank details.

For the purpose of facilitaing our operations only We may share your personal data with third party (example payments gateway agent see bank data explanned earlier) that provide us with services that support the technical operation of our website and the delivery of our services example facilitating and process your payments in Opinystore.

By accepting this policy, you authorize us to instruct third party to process data in accordance with this policy and for the purposes of provision of our services to you.

Third parties have taken reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect against the information being used illegally or accessed by unauthorized person or being used apart from the purpose stated during collection.
Before opinystore authorize third party to use your personal data we make sure we are aware of how you data will be stored and protected so that you data may be used only for the purpose stated during collection.

Other Third party disclosure

In addition to the above, we share your personal data with the following parties and in the following circumstances:
• To comply with laws or to respond to claims, legal process example including but not limited to court orders
• To cooperate with regulatory bodies and government authorities in connection with investigations or case referrals.
• To third parties in connection with the enforcement of our User Terms & Conditions.
• To third parties in order for us to protect our operations or those of our affiliates.
• To third parties to protect our rights, privacy, safety or property, and/or that of our affiliates, you or others.
• To third parties in order for us to pursue available remedies, or limit damages that we may sustain.
• To third parties in order for us to investigate, prevent or take action regarding suspected or actual prohibited activities, including but not limited to fraud and misuse of our website.
• To third parties in the event of any reorganization, merger, acquisition, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our business or assets.

data life span at Opinystore

We keep your data for as long as we may need it, or are required to for legal reasons.

Deleting your data

You can delete your personal data or ask us to do that for you at any time. But if we may need to keep your data in our database we will do it. The deleted data will not be shared to the public.

Personal data you provide, including your listings, contents, posts, replies, orders, payments, bids , bank informations, contact and location. is kept for as long as you have a Opinystore account, or as needed to provide you with our services.

If you choose to delete your user account, we will anonymize it so that it doesn't identify you.

In some cases, even if you delete your account, we retain certain information in an anonymized form.

Payments history, you made or received will remail with Opinystore even if you delete user account.

Data storage

Our priority is to Keep your personal informations secured in our systems. We use various measures to protect your personal informations within our organization and we regularly audit our system for vulnerabilities. since the internet is not a completely secured environment, we can not ensure or warrant the security of the information you transmit to us.

Cookie Policy

Once you agree to allow our website to use cookies, you also agree to use the data it collects regarding your online behavior.
We use cookies and similar technologies to help deliver, optimize, personalize and analyze our services, and for advertising purposes.
We use a combination of cookies and other technologies, to collect information for use in line with the purposes set out in this policy, like We use tracking codes to find out more about how you interact with our services, the adverts you see and more generally, how you interact and use our website.
Please note that cookies don't allow us to gain control of your computer in any way. They are strictly used to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not so that we can provide a better experience for you.
If you want to disable cookies, you can do it by accessing the settings of your internet browser.

Modifying you data

If you've got a Opinystore user account, you can access, edit, download or delete personal data associated with your profile at any time by logging into your account. You can also manage your profile after loggin.
These rights may be limited, for example, if fulfilling your request would reveal personal data about another person, or if you ask us to delete information which we are required by law, or have compelling legitimate interests, to keep. If you have unresolved concerns, you have the right to complain to a data protection authority.

Access to your data

To access you data log in to to your profile, You profile has including your products,categories, buy and sell offers, reviews and ratings, messages, replies and likes.
write to us to request your data if not found at your profile but you may need to verify that you own profile

Correction and deletion of your data.

Be free to correct your data at settings section of your profile.

If your user account is deleted, all the data associated with your account will be anonymized.

Other rights

Where we have asked for your consert on processing your personal data you have right to withdraw consert through website functionality or through contacting us through support@opinystore.com

Children’s information

Our website is not directed to children under the age of 16, and we do not knowingly collect personal data from such children. If you become aware that a child under the age of 16 has provided us with their personal data, please contact us using the contact information provided below.

Links to Other Websites

Our website contains links that lead to other websites. If you click on these links [name] is not held responsible for your data and privacy protection. Visiting those websites is not governed by this privacy policy agreement. Make sure to read the privacy policy documentation of the website you go to from our website.

Change to this Policy

This policy may be updated from time to time to meet our legal and rights obligations, or our current/future services of which you will be notified.

Your continued use of our website or services after we publish or send a notice about the changes to this policy will mean that you accept and agree to the updated policy.

Contact us

You can reach us by mail through:

P.O Box 10115,